Monday, September 24, 2012

"Over Reaction"


verb (used without object)
to react or respond more strongly than is necessary or appropriate.

I have mixed feeling on this even being a word. In my opinion it takes a lot of festering for something to be a true over reaction and a lot of people miss use the phrase too often.

In my opinion a gut reaction is NEVER an over reaction because it is a quick calculation of your experiences by your brain and your intuition. It may seem like someone is making too big a deal out of something than they should but there will always be a reason for it. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Busy Just Doesn't Say Enough

So here I am, 4th week of school and it is the first time I've been able to even think about blogging.

This semester has been insane already! For some odd reason I thought it was a good idea to take 17 credits including German, Painting, two upper division creative writing classes, and a gen ed. FOR FUTURE NOTICE: not a good idea.