Have you ever seen Julie and Julia? Well I love that movie and it makes me want to cook really bad.
After growing up with my awesome aunt making gourmet food all the time (
here is her wonderful blog) I just have wanted to make wonderful food too.
So here are some recipes that I have put on my food bucket list:
Leg of Lamb |
I've never had lamb and I feel like I am really missing out on something because it is impossible that a food could look this good and not be delicious!
Rack of Lamb |
I think I'm going to have to agree with Sherron on this one. This seems like a chef's dish," yet I want adventure in the great wide somewhere! I want it more than I can bare!" Woah okay Disney moment but for real, this looks divine.
Baked Garlic Lemon Tilapia |
Fish isn't something I've had much experience with making or eating and so this is one of a couple fish recipes I am posting because I want to get some variety so I can decide if I like it.
French Onion Soup | | | | |
Pinterest claimed that this is the best recipe for french onion soup any where and man does it look good! I love french onion and this just looks perfect. It's time to try to tackle one of my favorite restaurant dishes at home!
Braised Brisket |
Okay, so this is my foodnetwork craving. Every time I watch a show on a BBQ competition brisket comes up and I don't have any memory of eating it. I think this needs to change.
Parmesan-crusted Tilapia and Mozzaspinisuntom Stuffed Mushrooms |
Confession, this is my friend's recipe and the pic may not be too grand but the recipe sounds divine and I know he is a really good cook. Check it out.
Braised Lamb |
More lamb to try, this one just sounded too good to pass up.
Chilean Sea Bass |
This recipe looks and sounds so good and my aunt raved about it (which is an amazing sign). I want to try it sometime.
Asparagus Parm Soup |
I want to expand my realm of soups. I love asparagus, I love Parmesan, I love soup. Why wouldn't this be good? I am very excited to try this one.
Chilled Strawberry Soup |
This sounds PERFECT for summer--a cool dessert that wont weigh you down. I've never tried dessert soup before, I'm excited to see how it turns out.
Frozen Mudslide |
I may not be old enough for any of these adult dessert drinks but that is not going to stop me from making them virgin! And for my friends and readers that drink--a bailey's mudslide??? Hello! Sounds awesome!
Bailey's Hot Chocolate Tiramisu |
I still have never had Tiramisu in my life and I've heard so many people rave about it that I had to find a recipe!
Espresso Chocolate Martini |
Espresso + Chocolate. Need I say more?
Lava Flow |
This sounds like the perfect summer treat. Non-alcoholic and it sounds divine! Fruity and slushy deliciousness!
Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Icecream |
I am a sucker for icecream, what can I say? Oh and chocolate + peanut butter is my favorite combo so this one just sounds to die for. I've never thought about dark chocolate with peanut butter. Can we say genius?
Chocolate Chip Armaretto Cake |
Delicious. Delicious. Delicious. That's all.
No judgements on how many desserts I post...man I love dessert... :)
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Have fun cooking,