Monday, July 9, 2012

4th of July

Just a "my life as I know it" post.

My time with Evan for independence day was really fun! Evan has a tradition of hosting for his friends as well as usually purchasing a toooonnnn of fireworks.

The tradition continues.

We invited over his friends.

Cheesy filter, I know. Sorry
We had food and libations, and of course, icecream! It was wonderful :)

Then we busted open the neon sparklers Evan got (he thought of my love of sparklers)
they weren't as neon as we were hoping

fire and smoke

sparkler looked like a butterfly

And then the boys proceeded to blow things up

aerial fireworks are so fun

this one looked like christmas

dang tree got in the way of my shot, but it looked cool with the green

Lots of "hydro bomb"s this year and we didn't even break a single container! I didn't get many on camera and my favorite was when they threw "flower"s in the water, it looked like a witch's cauldron, sadly I couldn't get any of pics with the color to show you get a B&W shot cause I say so.

double double boil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble

Then we strolled on down to an elementary lawn to watch the city fire works. I am much too amateur to be able to successfully capture fireworks, in the distance, at night, without a here is the only pic worth viewing and it wasn't even the city it was someone in the field:


The party wound down from there and eventually everyone went home. We thought about cleaning up then but we figured it would be easier the next morning when it was light out...logical right? No.

shrapnel every where! all over the yard and cement

this is the pile I made out in the rain before throwing it all away...

Once the clean up was over it was pretty relaxed again. It was a fun time, crazy rockets going which ever way they pleased, little air plane fireworks that attacked in death spirals, scorching a bit of the grass, icecream, friends, music and memories.



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