So I know I for one have changed a ton in the past 7 years. When I look back on my many changes it just seems so surreal to me. I wonder how many people think the same about themselves. I know its weird to see some of my friend's facebook pictures and the amazing and scary changes that are going on in people's lives.
It almost feels like I need to re-meet my old friends and acquaintances. Especially my high school friends. It seems like the transition from high school to college is a huge one for most people. We are finally free from our parents, either we are free to rebel or we are free to be us without feeling like we have to rebel. As young adults we are allowed to find ourselves and that can be both invigorating and terrifying.
It seems like a common theme is religion. As we adventure out and find our selves we have to decide whether or not the religion we grew up with is what we want to carry through adulthood. Many people cling to it because it feels safe and familiar to them or because they have true conviction. I think there is something comforting in carrying yourself forward with a religion guiding the way. The rules and values are already set for you. All you have to do is follow. These kids don't have to figure out the rules for themselves and for that I kind of envy them-
Because when you "grow up" you have to decide for yourself what your values are. Where your boundaries lie. You have to have your own opinions and you have to take a stand in your own life. There is no one telling you what to do, unless you want them to. It is all up to you. You can take your life where ever you want. You can do what ever you want, you can make questionable decisions if you want.
I feel like this time in our lives is a time of growth and a time of being lost. Being lost isn't necessarily bad. Every person should be lost at some point in their life so they can decide what is worth finding. If you just go with the flow of things all the time, if you don't find yourself off the beaten path at some point or another how are you supposed to know you want to be on the path? Or even what it is?
I see so many people I know wandering. It makes me worried but all I can hope is that they find what they want in their life. I hope they find themselves in the process. I have been brushing off the filth that has built up from a lifetime of people pleasing. I am finding myself. I only hope that my friends can find that peace in themselves as well. I find it very exciting when I can see it. When I can watch someone come out of that dark place in their lives and find that purpose that is self. It is truly amazing.
I had the courage to change, to adapt, to find out who I was. Will you?
Aww thanks hayley!