Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Weird Random Dream Last Night

So apparently in my dream last night universities treat their students just like high school students.
We kept getting corralled up for mandatory meetings and such. The following real life people were in my dream:
Colton Smith (my brother's best friend) playing the school hot guy all the girls fell over
Alexis Jones (my high school friend who goes to the same college) playing a girl fawning over the before mentioned Colton,
Ryan Smythe (high school best friend) playing the student totally obsessed with trains.

So us USU students were all rounded up for this meeting on the soccer field behind my building. We had blankets to sit down or something and my friend I was with was oggling Colton and wanted to sit near enough to see him and my friend Alexis was already sitting close to him so we joined her and ended up sitting right next to Colton. The fan girl with me almost died of excitement/embarrassment when I said hi to him and he talked back.

Then this meeting started. I can't remember much about the meeting because the girl I was with was talking about colton the entire time. I just kept rolling my eyes, cause when you grow up with someone its kinda hard to think of them as "Taylor Launter-esque". After the meeting got out we all were told we had to go somewhere. This is when Ryan shows up.

He prances over to me really excited. He tells us that the whole school is taking a train ride and that he got to help organize it and help with the train. He was practically jumping out of his shoes with excitement. He started going into details like what train it was and what type of engine it was using ect.

My dream then skips ahead to when we were getting on the train. There were these really creepy old guys every where on these train cars and it was freaking me out. The train station and tracks were up logan canyon and it was really pretty out. But we were very squished in these train cars, practically sitting on top of each other (with these creepy guys taking the aisle space).

When we arrived at this big grassy hill we all got out and sat on our blankets again. The same thing happened with me sitting with my friends and with Colton and them freaking out. Then we were all handed envelopes. Really thick envelopes. I was opening mine and there was a check and a large amount of paperwork I didn't get a chance to read. That's when the creepy guys showed up again. They were just standing over all of us and then I woke up.

Weird huh? Really random...I just felt like I should write it I put it here. :) Hope you had a laugh reading it!