Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wind Caves

Awesome day! Bradford, Hayley and I have been saying for a while that we needed to get out and do something as a group and we decided to hike to the wind caves.
Laura and Zack tagged along too and it was way fun. I was really glad that I did this today. Last year I tried to go on a class hike on this trail and I had forgotten my inhaler and I don't feel like I was in as good of shape (not that I am in shape by any means now). Last time I ended up going about a little over half way and giving up to return to the bottom with some shattered self esteem.

This time was so immensely different. I feel so grateful to have such wonderful friends who are so patient even though I probably put them to their wits ends with my many breaks and slow pace. They still remained supportive and seemed to really understand that my lungs were not in so great of shape. They were so nice, thank you guys so much! I am so happy that I conquered this trail. I feel way better about my self knowing that I didn't give up and that I just pushed all the way up  (even though I needed some breaks so my heart wouldn't fail). It was so satisfying to be able to sit in the cave and just look out over the beautiful fall colors. The mountain was on fire! It was so great!

It's kind of funny how different up and down are on hikes. I was totally fine cardiovascularly coming down and felt great (though a little wobbly). It just attacked my thighs a lot more. I guess I built some muscles today. Oh, and I kept my core engaged a lot (thank you yoga!) so my abs are a bit sore but I feel great, its like a high.

Want to know what the scariest part of the hike was? Getting back in the car. Want to know why? Because there was a wasp that decided to land on my sleeve, which I was fine with I just kinda shook the sleeve a bit and it flew off onto the side of the car, so I get in the car. When I close the door it flies in and lands on my thigh, I am freaking out a little bit because I was wondering if it was aggitated and I was trying to think of how to slip something under it to put it outside when Brad HITS IT! He swatted it! While it was on my leg! When he raised up we could both see the thing arching up to sting me so I am screaming, he is screaming, Hayley is telling us to calm down from the back seat and its mass chaos. So I am trying to lift my pant leg so that if it stings it doesn't get me and Brad swats down on it again and this time he kinda swipes it down between the seats and I am yelling "You HIT it!!! Why are you so dumb! It would have gone away!!!" I was freaking out...but apparently it died in the crack between the seats so all it well. Just a tad bit traumatizing.

Then we were all good and listened to Irish folk music on the way home. It was a great trip...minus the wasp. :)


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