Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Expectations: Make it or Break it

There is something funny about expectations: they change everything.

15th Birthday: Moderate expecations->had a great time
16th Birthday: Big expectations-> didn't have a ton of fun.
17th Birthday: Low expectations-> had a good time

I have thinking about the idea of expectations a lot lately (ya know valentines stuff) and it would seem to be that the more you expect the less you appreciate.

 Maybe it's just that our society doesn't know how to appreciate any more. Or maybe it's a human trait in general.

We just need to live in the moment more. We all know that living in the past is bad but I think living in the future is bad too. If you're constantly worrying about what is going to happen then you aren't having fun either.

For Valentines Evan and I couldn't see each other on the day because of the distance so we planned for me to come down for the weekend before.

We didn't make big plans. We didn't get dressed up. We didn't go to a movie. We didn't lavish each other in expensive gifts (he did give me one though, sneaky boy). We didn't do anything grand.

YET it was one of the best weekends ever.

We just spent time together. We lived the moments for what they were. We loved each other in the most real way, not because it was for valentines but because we love each other.

When you don't expect big things you can appreciate the little things.

I'm not saying have a pessimistic attitude, I'm just saying that if you don't expect the best night of your life then you won't be disappointed because the reality is that when you expect too much you just worry about it the whole time.

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