Friday, June 22, 2012

100 Posts in 1 Year

Well this is it, the big day I've been looking forward to. My little blog is a year old today and this will be its one hundredth post.

In 1 year I've had over 5,500 views in over 20 countries from every source imaginable.

I've had posts that soared with 500 views in 3 months (Spring 2012 Fashion Palette) and posts that have doozied out with zero views in 11 months (Life is Goin' Good).

I've ranted ( Group ProjectsIf You're Going to be Player Have Some Decency ),
I've reviewed (Temptation Cupcakes, Angie's Restaurant , Sushi Ya ),
I've taken a stand (Discrimination Against Women, Kony 2012, Second Class CitizensGovernment Mandated Rape, Break the Silence ),

and most of all I've come very far spiritually (It's My Spirituality, Not Your Spirituality, Tipping Point, I Don't Know How to Be a Christian, Sometimes Ambition Gets in the Way, Dialogue Journaling, 31 Status, A Little(big) Update, It Isn't Christmas Time, Oh Great Glorious God!, :), I am who I am,)

I've learned a lot about blogging this year and about life:
I've learned that if you want a picture to bring in revenue you should caption it well and pin it.
I've learned that if you don't ask for help you'll never get it.
I've learned that a good title is your ticket to google heaven.
I've learned that sometimes you just need to love people and not give a crap if they love you back.
I've learned you need to find out what people are googling and put your blog in the line of fire.
I've learned that sometimes there are things you and your friends will never agree on.

I hope you've been enjoying this ride through life with me. I know I am enjoying chasing those moments that you want to last forever. I'm having fun chasing rainbows and seeing sunshine.

With Love,


  1. I looooove this, little. You are an amazing person and I'm so blessed to have you in my life!

    1. Awww thanks Kristina! I feel like its the other way, I'm so blessed by you!
