Thursday, March 8, 2012

Letter to my Senator: KONY 2012

Dear Senator Hatch,

I am writing to you because I believe I have a voice. I am writing you because you are my representative and I believe you should hear that voice.

Right now my voice is screaming from the roof tops about KONY 2012. I am guessing you have probably heard about it as there has been such a large response in the last few days, but I want to tell you why I, your constituent, care about this movement.

I believe in an America and a world that cares about the other people on this planet. I believe in an America that will not stand for the degradation of human rights and suffering. I believe in a United Nations that when they say "never again", they mean it.

I know there is a lot of outcry against this cause and a lot of hesitation by our government to step in. I have educated myself on these rebuttals and still believe in what is right. I believe that when a man rapes women and girls, kidnaps children in the night, forces children to kill each other, and ravages a land of its goodness that man must be stopped.

I also believe that this is a task too big for a charity to do alone. I believe that when a government can do something about monstrosities that they should do something. I believe in this country. I believe in this world. I believe that men like Joeseph Kony should not be allowed to roam free, no matter how difficult he is to capture.

I believe in my voice and I will stop at nothing. Do you believe in the people's voice? I am doing all I can do. Are you?

Carly A. Crosby

Last night I made posters. This morning I wrote my senator. What are you doing?

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