Monday, March 19, 2012

Photography Tips

I know I don't have a ton of photos up here but I'm trying to get better about shooting more. In the mean time here are some great articles on photography tips.

First off this one is great! It is a simply worded wonderful day-by-day run down of your camera's functions and how to make them work for you! It is wonderful! I learned so much with this!
It goes through manual features, how and why to shoot fast or slow, how to set and understand your aperture and iso, using your depth of field for your greatest advantage and that's just the first 8 days! It is really great and comprehensive.

Now we come to 13 Things Your Camera Wishes You Knew
.This runs through some things that you don't find in the outlines of basic techniques. Its pretty short so don't worry about being intimidated by this one and she has some really great links to other articles and product sites.

The next two sites are objective specific

11Surefire Landscape Photography Tips
Depth of Field, Tripod, Focal Point, Foregrounds, Sky, Lines, Movement, Weather, Golden Hours, Horizons and Point of View. This is a quick overview of some really great tips for landscapes, I found it very helpful!

5 Black and White Photography Tips
 If you haven't covered your basics (like the 31 days) then this one will probably be a bit over your head but this is a really great page that is not too lengthy on black and white photography and how to get the most out of it.

Well I hope these help you guys! They helped me a lot especially with feeling more confident about my camera. I need to go out and shoot some more!


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