Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Snow White with Worms"

Snow White with Worms
Mixed Media

I found this wonderful piece on deviantART Daily Deviations and was totally struck by it! On D.A. when you're a premium member you can ask for art critiques of it and so I wrote one and submitted it! I just loved this piece so much I wanted my readers to see it. I would also definitely recommend checking out the rest of her gallery its pretty great.

 My Deviant Art Critique:
From the get go I must say this is such an emotive piece and a fine choice for a daily deviation. The interpretation of our classic princess is startling and yet rings true in a way that is hard to put into words.

One of the elements that pulls the viewer in would have to subject and content in that she is in the laying position but has her eyes open, so unlike traditional portrayals. The expression is one of such vacancy, almost resigned sadness.

Monday, September 24, 2012

"Over Reaction"


verb (used without object)
to react or respond more strongly than is necessary or appropriate.

I have mixed feeling on this even being a word. In my opinion it takes a lot of festering for something to be a true over reaction and a lot of people miss use the phrase too often.

In my opinion a gut reaction is NEVER an over reaction because it is a quick calculation of your experiences by your brain and your intuition. It may seem like someone is making too big a deal out of something than they should but there will always be a reason for it. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Busy Just Doesn't Say Enough

So here I am, 4th week of school and it is the first time I've been able to even think about blogging.

This semester has been insane already! For some odd reason I thought it was a good idea to take 17 credits including German, Painting, two upper division creative writing classes, and a gen ed. FOR FUTURE NOTICE: not a good idea.

Monday, July 23, 2012

It's Called Political Activism not "Like"ism

Politically my generation must be a "like" generation because I am convinced that 75% of us believe that "like"ing something on Facebook actually does something.

"Like this photo of the firemen if you appreciate what they did"

"Share this video to stop animal torture"

"Repost this if you are sending your thoughts out to the victims"

Sorry guys but that really does little to nothing. The firemen probably don't know their picture is going around, dog beaters aren't going to stop because you posted a video and saying your condolences on a facebook page is a pretty lame way of saying you didn't want to get off the couch to actually do something for them.

I read this article last night from about overreacting and David makes some really good points.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Vulnerability: It can Change Your Life

I just watched this amazing TED talk video:

And wow. While watching this I realized that the reason my life is the way it is today is because of how I looked at my self and how I looked at being vulnerable.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Writing Book that Actually Tells You What to Write

Story Engineering by Larry Brooks
As a creative writing major, I've read a lot about writing. There are the craft books, the character construction books, the short fiction writing books, the famous writers about writing books. You can usually get a couple things out of each of them but at the end of the day most of the time you're still wondering what to write and when. I have always been left with the feeling that they didn't really explain what to do.

Story Engineering is different. Brooks condenses all of the sporadic advice to a solid layout of what makes up successful novels and screenplays.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Going Greek

Don't just shut your brain off during this post.

Give me the courtesy

I am not a stereotype.

I'm not the bimbo in that college show.

I'm not the girl that will get killed first in that horror movie.

Let me show you what my sorority means to me.

Age 14: I told my parents I wanted to join a sorority because it looked "fun". Parents laughed and said there weren't any sororities at BYU (where they thought I was going to go).

Age 16: Turned off by the stereotypes. Legally Blond and House Bunny didn't really have me appreciating blond girls with pink sweaters. I didn't want to hang out with a bunch of dumb girls who only cared about their nails.

Age 18: Freshman year, I missed rush week and I felt oddly sad, even though I hadn't thought about joining a sorority in a long time I felt like I had lost something. Next time.

Age 19: I see a few advertisements for rush week and toss the idea around. I go to the page, the $20 fee is enough of an excuse for me to let my fear of rejection stop me from going.

Then I met Shayla. Aside from being a wonderful friend, mentor and fellow christian she was in a sorority. Not only was she in a sorority but she was everything in my mind that wasn't "sorority". Independent, forward thinking, political, level headed, down to earth, and most of all REAL.

Monday, July 9, 2012

4th of July

Just a "my life as I know it" post.

My time with Evan for independence day was really fun! Evan has a tradition of hosting for his friends as well as usually purchasing a toooonnnn of fireworks.

The tradition continues.

We invited over his friends.

Cheesy filter, I know. Sorry
We had food and libations, and of course, icecream! It was wonderful :)

Then we busted open the neon sparklers Evan got (he thought of my love of sparklers)
they weren't as neon as we were hoping

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Homosexuality in the Bible

This is the most in-depth look at the biblical scripture and its context relating to homosexuality in the bible that I have ever seen. I think he looks at it quite fairly. If someone made a rebuttal with this much research and contextual history I would be glad to watch it as well, but for now all I can say is this:

It is our job to love. It is not our place to scorn or judge, we are not on the judgement seat. There is no reason on earth to ever treat someone with scorn or abuse and it does no glory to God to cast stones. Love thy neighbor. I will try to bring good fruit to God through love and faith. What will you do?

Questions? Comments? Feel free to drop me a comment below.


Monday, July 2, 2012

Update on Study Abroad

University of Innsbruck

As most of you know I've been planning to study abroad in Innsbruck, Austria during spring 2013.

I'm happy to say that it is still very much my plan. I hadn't done much other than meet with a Study Abroad counselor because I had been planning so far in advance. And now I've finally taken a real first step: I've completed my Study Abroad application!

It was probably very foolish but I decided to do the application at 3am the other night. They asked about my Academic work, language profiency, international experience and which classes I would be requesting in short answer boxes as well as two references with their emails. I also wrote a personal statement of 300-500 words answering this prompt:

Introduce yourself and explain your goals for studying abroad and for integrating into the host culture? What specific situations from your past (i.e., coursework, job experience, travel, intercultural experience) have helped you prepare to accomplish these goals? 

Well let's see how I did:

Sunday, July 1, 2012

'Merica Style: The Stars and Stripes

The 4th is coming up and I figured I would kick off this month with a little 'merica.
Some girls have really got their 'merica pride out! Rockin the style!
If you're looking for some red white and blue here are some great pieces!

Real Shopping

Miss America Sling Backs $168

Saturday, June 30, 2012

For Narnia!!!

Okay finally I've finished The Chronicles of Narnia! I must say that I wish I had read them sooner! I will definitely be giving them to my kids when they are little.

C.S. Lewis's The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Ya know, it is kind of funny how my opinion of the movies vs books keep flip flopping from book to book. This one I liked the book much more, I really didn't like the movie because it seemed so frantic and confusing. C.S. Lewis sets the pace really well and the little interludes between dramatic scenes are nice breathing points in the book.

Definitely an adventure tale, this would make any child want to travel the high seas. It was nice to read because, even though I like a book that I can't put down, this one I could put down because of those nice breathing points. I did want to pick it back up though, it wasn't boring it was just well paced :). I liked how so many ideas I've seen come out in more recent fiction and movies were brought up first by C.S. Lewis (fallen stars being animate people for example as in the book and movie Star Dust).

A good read all around!

C.S. Lewis's The Silver Chair

Friday, June 22, 2012

100 Posts in 1 Year

Well this is it, the big day I've been looking forward to. My little blog is a year old today and this will be its one hundredth post.

In 1 year I've had over 5,500 views in over 20 countries from every source imaginable.

I've had posts that soared with 500 views in 3 months (Spring 2012 Fashion Palette) and posts that have doozied out with zero views in 11 months (Life is Goin' Good).

I've ranted ( Group ProjectsIf You're Going to be Player Have Some Decency ),
I've reviewed (Temptation Cupcakes, Angie's Restaurant , Sushi Ya ),
I've taken a stand (Discrimination Against Women, Kony 2012, Second Class CitizensGovernment Mandated Rape, Break the Silence ),

and most of all I've come very far spiritually (It's My Spirituality, Not Your Spirituality, Tipping Point, I Don't Know How to Be a Christian, Sometimes Ambition Gets in the Way, Dialogue Journaling, 31 Status, A Little(big) Update, It Isn't Christmas Time, Oh Great Glorious God!, :), I am who I am,)

I've learned a lot about blogging this year and about life:
I've learned that if you want a picture to bring in revenue you should caption it well and pin it.
I've learned that if you don't ask for help you'll never get it.
I've learned that a good title is your ticket to google heaven.
I've learned that sometimes you just need to love people and not give a crap if they love you back.
I've learned you need to find out what people are googling and put your blog in the line of fire.
I've learned that sometimes there are things you and your friends will never agree on.

I hope you've been enjoying this ride through life with me. I know I am enjoying chasing those moments that you want to last forever. I'm having fun chasing rainbows and seeing sunshine.

With Love,

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Prince Caspian

I actually liked the book much better than the movie! I know that is common to say but the Narnia movies were really well made and Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was about the same if not the movie being better for me.

Prince Caspian the book was much better. I liked it a lot more because it had a lot more Aslan in it than the movie. I don't know, as a Christian I just have a soft spot for the Lion-Jesus. They also waaaay amped up the war scenes, which I don't find particularly interesting in books.

Pinterest Crafting: To Do List

So it's summer time and now we college girls finally have all the time in the world for our secret obsession: CRAFTING!

Here are some of my favorites from Pinterest that I want to do this summer:

Cheap Painting into Word Art


Friday, June 15, 2012

It's My Spirituality, Not Your Spirituality

I first am going to start off by saying this: I am a very liberal Christian.

A lot of my view points aren't shared by some of my conservative friends. That's healthy, it's good for us to see other view points even if we don't agree with them.

And this is one place where I differ a bit:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Trending Tattoos

This tattoo master piece has been super popular, and really it is breath taking!

I don't know if I just was out of the loop when I was young or what but I never thought tattoos could be this beautiful! With Pinterest there are some tattoos in particular that are circling the web at dizzying rates! Here are some tattoo trends and trending internet favorites.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pretty Things of Logan

Went for another photo walk again :) Love logan!

The sky was so pretty today!
Loved this old apartment building

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Summer Full of Books: Part One

If you've been reading you would know (not that I expect you to) that I've made a goal of reading all my books that I own and haven't read this summer. Well I've started and stopped a few (Robert Frost is exhausting!) and now I've come to tell you about the ones I have finished!

The Eye of the Warlock
Talk about fairy tale with a twist! I picked this up because I needed a brain break and some light reading while taking a Frost break. I didn't expect much out of my bargain book find but I really enjoyed it! The idea is that 50 years after Hansel and Gretel escaped the evil witch that there is still trouble brewing for some kids in the old woods. One evil aunt, one mysterious traveler, an unexpected adventure, jewels and encounters with the supernatural lead to one fun book!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tipping Point

I've been in a rut lately...spiritually at least. I've been mad, I've been lonely, I've been lost. Having the shiny new christian "the world is a bow of sunshine" worn off really put me out. I thought I'd be on fire forever. I thought I would never feel the wind blow me over.

News flash: you don't grow if nothing ever challenges obviously God is not going to let you stagnantly sit there without any difficulties.

That doesn't make me feel any better though. I felt like God had abandoned me or I had done something to abandon God. I'd lost my joy. I didn't know a way out of this spiral. I wanted to be with God, but I just didn't know how. I felt trapped between wanting to be spiritual and ignoring preconceptions and wanting to religiously earn my way into God's grace, which is NOT how it works.

I hit a point. I didn't want it to be that way anymore. So, I called up some christian friends for some fellow-shipping. I emailed my pastor and set up a time to talk. I called a woman about a bible study. I wanted to make it better. I wanted to surround myself with people who would build me up.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Photo Walk

Went on a walk to the grocery store and it was so pretty out that I took my camera. Nothing big or fancy, just appreciating beauty in the common things.

I just love sunshine through trees

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The White Summer Dress

White Summer Dresses

I've always wanted a white summer dress, so I did some shopping and decided to show you guys what I found!

Monday, May 21, 2012

I Don't Know How to Be a Christian

 There I said it. I really don't know what I'm doing. I've been living in legalism for so long that I don't know how to be a Christian. My instincts tell me to go one way or the other: Spiritual and laid back or Legal and uptight. I need to find a balance.

I need to learn how to pursue God actively. I don't want to weigh myself down with guilt because I am set free in God but I don't want to be unaccountable and forget my values. Lately I've been too lax, I feel like I've been giving lip service. I feel like I've been leaning on the testimonies of others and that God's presence burns bright in a room of Christians and is nonexistent when I am alone.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Drinks for Summer

summer drinks

Summer time is officially here and with it delicious refreshing smoothies, shakes and mixed drinks!

Morning Pick Me Ups:

This is Robert Frost?

9 Months Ago: Borders is going out of business (sad) and everything is marked down considerably. E.L. and I head out to find some of the prime clearance books. There--sitting on the shelf, lonely and neglected: The Poetry of Robert Frost. Yes! A dream come true! I would finally be able to read all of his delicious poetry from start to finish.

Oh and I totally forgot that He was recent enough to have a picture on the cover! For some reason I thought Robert Frost was much much older.

Today: In an attempt to actually match my repertoire with my book case I am going through and reading everything I own that I haven't read before. I am now reading that poetry collection. On page 201 out of 521.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Date a Girl Who Reads

 Wow my friend pointed this out to me today! This is so wonderful, didn't know that us readers and writers were seen in such a great light! I do so many of these things! And yes, I can't wait to introduce my children to Aslan.
“Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes. She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve.
Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag.She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Clouds: Final Project

just hanging out in the trees being a cloud
Three Dimensional Design, a very fun class :) Sad to see it go really. Though at the intro of this project I was scared to death.

(feel free to skip down to the photos if you like)

Assignment: Motion in Three Dimensions.....uhhh wait what? So any guidelines Mr. Teacher? Nope, just make it move. Okay...grand.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Busty Girl Comics

Wow, I just discovered this blog and man is it funny! So true! To all the girls out there who suffer the same issues you guys will be cracking up!

I compiled a few of them so they were easy to read! But remember I didn't make them all the credit goes to Paige Halsey Warren and there are a ton more on her blog! Check it out!


Big Bra Problems

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Goddess Summer

Summer inspiration? Greek Goddesses. Love it. I am just feeling that with the maxi trend that's been floating around lately that really for summer the classy piece of summer is going to be a dress like one of these. I just love how flattering this shape is to ever body type and how it just screams elegance. DISCLAIMER: none of these specific examples are cheap but I think they are a great jumping point for inspiration :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012


If you love shoes and you have never visited then you are sorely missing out my friend. Take a look at a few of my favorites:

Yeah... I know right!? Mega sweet! If you're looking for a statement shoe look no further than this Portland based company! And if you are keeping up with a BlackMilk obsession you will be pleased to know that one of the larger designers from solestruck Jeffery Campbell just paired up with BlackMilk to create an awesome line using BlackMilk prints! Take a look:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Food To Do List: Pinterest for the Win

Have you ever seen Julie and Julia? Well I love that movie and it makes me want to cook really bad.

After growing up with my awesome aunt making gourmet food all the time (here is her wonderful blog) I just have wanted to make wonderful food too.

So here are some recipes that I have put on my food bucket list:

Leg of Lamb
I've never had lamb and I feel like I am really missing out on something because it is impossible that a food could look this good and not be delicious!
Rack of Lamb
 I think I'm going to have to agree with Sherron on this one. This seems like a chef's dish," yet I want adventure in the great wide somewhere! I want it more than I can bare!" Woah okay Disney moment but for real, this looks divine.
Baked Garlic Lemon Tilapia
Fish isn't something I've had much experience with making or eating and so this is one of a couple fish recipes I am posting because I want to get some variety so I can decide if I like it.
French Onion Soup
Pinterest claimed that this is the best recipe for french onion soup any where and man does it look good! I love french onion and this just looks perfect. It's time to try to tackle one of  my favorite restaurant dishes at home!

Braised Brisket
Okay, so this is my foodnetwork craving. Every time I watch a show on a BBQ competition brisket comes up and I don't have any memory of eating it. I think this needs to change.

Parmesan-crusted Tilapia and Mozzaspinisuntom Stuffed Mushrooms
Confession, this is my friend's recipe and the pic may not be too grand but the recipe sounds divine and I know he is a really good cook. Check it out.

Braised Lamb
More lamb to try, this one just sounded too good to pass up.
Chilean Sea Bass
This recipe looks and sounds so good and my aunt raved about it (which is an amazing sign). I want to try it sometime.
Asparagus Parm Soup
I want to expand my realm of soups. I love asparagus, I love Parmesan, I love soup. Why wouldn't this be good? I am very excited to try this one.
Chilled Strawberry Soup
This sounds PERFECT for summer--a cool dessert that wont weigh you down. I've never tried dessert soup before, I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Frozen Mudslide
I may not be old enough for any of these adult dessert drinks but that is not going to stop me from making them virgin! And for my friends and readers that drink--a bailey's mudslide??? Hello! Sounds awesome!

Bailey's Hot Chocolate Tiramisu
I still have never had Tiramisu in my life and I've heard so many people rave about it that I had to find a recipe!

Espresso Chocolate Martini
Espresso + Chocolate. Need I say more?

Lava Flow
This sounds like the perfect summer treat. Non-alcoholic and it sounds divine! Fruity and slushy deliciousness!

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Icecream
I am a sucker for icecream, what can I say? Oh and chocolate + peanut butter is my favorite combo so this one just sounds to die for. I've never thought about dark chocolate with peanut butter. Can we say genius?

Chocolate Chip Armaretto Cake
Delicious. Delicious. Delicious. That's all.

No judgements on how many desserts I I love dessert... :)

You can check out more on my pinterest

Have fun cooking,

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Secret to Liking Service

I grew up in a community where service project were a monthly if not bi-monthly thing. I always thought that service was a great idea but I never really engaged without a lot of moaning and groaning! "7 am sweetie! Time to go help Mrs. Larson with her yard" never sounded like an appealing wake up call. Geee I wonder why!

Yet, somewhere deep in side of me I always knew I wanted to serve people but I never found a way that I enjoyed. I tried to get myself to go, I would try to get myself involved. Heck, I even joined a service club in high school and eventually became secretary for them just so I could force myself to do something.

Even then it didn't feel genuine--even then I grumbled in my head.

Yesterday I found out how I can serve people with a genuine smile on my face. Making a difference in a person's life is always a good thing but how do you have it be meaningful to you?

A couple of my Alpha Chi sisters are in a management class and they were required to set up an event for a charity or nonprofit or something with the community to help people. Well my lovely sisters set up a pre-prom activity at a local high school. There was a booth on making corsages, one for learning to take a good picture, one for doing hair and make-up and finally the one I helped with: renting out donated dressed for (drumroll) FREE.

I was astounded. I got so much fulfillment out of the hour I was there, more than I have gotten out of any other volunteer work I have done in the past. You want to know why? Because I used to be there. I remember posters going up and gossip going around about the upcoming high school dances and thinking "how on earth am I going to afford a dress". It's a sore topic for me. I didn't have the money to go out and buy a $500 dress and my parents certainly didn't either.

If this event had been held for me at my school it would have taken so much anxiety and self loathing out of school dances for me. And that's why doing this affected me! One of the girls said "I've never felt so pretty. I feel like a princess." This almost made me cry. 9 different girls went away with free dresses that they probably could not have afforded with out this event.

And I realized what can make service great: when it's personal! How do you volunteer without begrudging it in your heart? You do something for others that you wish someone had done for you! Or you find an organization/cause that has deeply touched your heart!

I mean, yet mowing the old neighbor's yard is great and is never a bad thing but what if you just can't find the umph to do it? Start with service that you love! If you have been affected by an issue see if there is service opportunity for it. If you or a family member or a friend has been a victim of domestic violence then chances are you have more of a passion for helping out at CAPSA than at the homeless shelter...and that's okay! Doing SOMETHING is better than doing nothing!

You don't have to rank volunteer work on a goodness scale and feel guilty for not helping out with a more "worthy" cause. Don't feel guilty. Just do what you're passionate about. I have a passion for helping with girls who can't afford to fit into the crowd, and I have a passion for women's equalities as well as a passion for helping African refugees and stopping the abduction of children in Africa.

I work in my passions and it feels great. When I go to a quilting bee I feel bored. You don't have to feel obligated to work with the causes that give others passion. Work with the ones that make you feel on fire!

Make it personal and it will hit home.
Much love,


Temptation Cupcakes

Okay...can we say impulse sweets stop???

On the way back from a service activity with some of my Alpha Chi Omega girls when we decided to pull into Temptation Cupcake.  Man this place was cute!!!

I just felt like I had walked into a suave little boutique or something! Nice couches, cute small tables and crystal light fixtures every where!

I had a delicious chocolate one with the most delicious buttercream frosting of my life! I have NEVER had better frosting ANYWHERE! I gobbled it down too fast to even think of taking a picture. Sorry guys. But here are some pictures I pulled from their website and from customer reviews on urban spoon:

Black N' White

Key Lime

Almond Joy

Red Velvet

Look great huh? They are amazing! Truly gourmet cupcakes! They are a little pricy individually at around $2 but man are they worth it for someone who has a sweet tooth! I usually don't like cupcakes (especially from the grocery store) so it takes a really special cupcake to get into my heart! I loved mine so much and the girls I was with loved theirs as well!

They also do catering of all sizes, extremely tempting (no pun intended) for weddings and girly parties like showers :)

I would definitely recommend stopping in to satisfy your sweet tooth craving!

Temptation Cupcakes on Urbanspoon