So...I have this new {[OBSESSION]}.
Yes I am slightly ashamed...
Pinterest has caught me in its web.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Settling doesn’t always make you
Sometimes it makes it so you can
allow yourself to be happy.
Sometimes, it is choosing not to
settle that makes you unhappy.
Prince Charming isn’t real,
you won’t win the lottery,
there will always be someone who doesn’t
like you,
and even dream houses have leaky
Settling isn’t really settling at
Settling is knowing the
difference between dreaming and living.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
It isn't Christmas Time.
I've always loved Christmas. Until I became a Christian. I don't think very many people reading this will really understand how I'm feeling. I don't like Christmas anymore because I really don't feel like it is CHRISTmas any more I feel like it's GIFTmas.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
I think in a way our culture is a bit messed up when it comes to secrets. We are both too closed and too open in the way we think and handle 'secrets'.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Two Dimensional Design Final Project
Okay so when this assignment was explained to the class I think I became instantly depressed. The project sounded terrifyingly impossible: Design Playing Cards-King, Queen, Jack, Ace, Joker and the design for the back of the card. Oh, and here is a catch: They have to be flippable and have a cool transition and all fit into the same theme.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Oh Great Glorious God!
Last night was one of the defining moments of my life.
I am a Christian woman!
I am a Christian woman!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
To unlock one's soul is to feel as vast as the heavens and as delicate as a fine-petaled bloom.
I want to tell you what you need to know to find out who you are and who you can be with God.
I want to tell you what you need to know to find out who you are and who you can be with God.
Friday, November 18, 2011
The November Debate
I think that the most argued minor thing in November is if Christmas music is allowed before Thanksgiving or not. Some school of thoughts follow that as soon as we get past Halloween we are in the clear and some think that it has to be December for there to be any merriment in the air.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Weird Random Dream Last Night
So apparently in my dream last night universities treat their students just like high school students.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
People Change...A Lot
So I know I for one have changed a ton in the past 7 years. When I look back on my many changes it just seems so surreal to me. I wonder how many people think the same about themselves. I know its weird to see some of my friend's facebook pictures and the amazing and scary changes that are going on in people's lives.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Remember Remember the Fifth of Novmember
So I had never seen V for Vendetta until this November 5th two days ago. My friend had a little 5 person get together to watch it on the day that is so vilified in the movie. I must say the only thing I knew about this movie is that there is a vigilantly in a mask who rebels against the bad guys.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Coffee Shop Love
So my friend Hayley and I have discovered that we love coming to the Library and getting lunch/coffee and then going and studying in a study room. I also recently bought a camera and was having lots of fun taking pictures of the first snow and the coffee shop and shinanigans like that :) (these are all totally raw fyi)
My view from my bedroom |
Saturday, November 5, 2011
I am who I am
I am a woman.
I am a writer.
I am a Christian.
I am a compassionate human being.
Nothing else will ever define me.
I am a writer.
I am a Christian.
I am a compassionate human being.
Nothing else will ever define me.
Monday, October 31, 2011
A Conversation That Changed The Way I Saw My Potential
Yes, I know the title of this post is a bit pretentious, but this is how I feel about the conversation I had. So here's the story:
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
A Damned Veranda
So I wrote a 9 page short story in 4 hours and I took it out of one of my 1 page poems. I am so excited to hear what people think about it in my fiction class. I don't want to post the story or the poem on a public blog just because I might want to publish them sometime but if ya want to read either of them feel free to email me. I am very pleased with myself though. :)
Other good news:
Evan got accepted to school with me! Yay!!!! So excited!
I didn't actually fail my German test on thursday, I got 80%
I got 103% on my Psych test!
I finally cleaned my room! (yes this is an accomplishment for me)
My flower is growing up big and strong (now that I killed the bug that was trying to eat it)
That's all for now folks!
Other good news:
Evan got accepted to school with me! Yay!!!! So excited!
I didn't actually fail my German test on thursday, I got 80%
I got 103% on my Psych test!
I finally cleaned my room! (yes this is an accomplishment for me)
My flower is growing up big and strong (now that I killed the bug that was trying to eat it)
That's all for now folks!
Monday, October 17, 2011
If You Don't Have The Courage To Do It Alone, You Don't Really Have The Courage At All
Last night I went and performed at Poetry and a Beverage. This is the piece I read:
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Wind Caves
Awesome day! Bradford, Hayley and I have been saying for a while that we needed to get out and do something as a group and we decided to hike to the wind caves.
Thrift Stores: For the Win!
So my friend Hayley and I decided on a whim to go to Deseret Industries today. We had wanted to do something today, I had been having a 'bum' day...I stayed in bed most of the day :) it was good though. So we hopped on a bus and headed down. I was a bit worried that we wouldn't get there in time before it closed but we had plenty of time. I love all the funny things you can find at D.I. like just random disco ball shirts :). I picked up some really good finds though. I'll show you!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Can You Hear the Prayer of the Children?
Can you hear the prayer of the children on bended knee, in the shadow of an unknown room? Empty eyes with no more tears to cry turning heavenward toward the light. Crying," Jesus, help me to see the morning light of one more day, but if I should die before I wake, I pray my soul to take." Can you feel the hearts of the children aching for home, for something of their very own. Reaching hands with nothing to hold onto but hope for a better day, a better day. Crying," Jesus, help me to feel the love again in my own land, but if unknown roads lead away from home, give me loving arms, away from harm." (oooooo la la la la etc etc.) Can you hear the voice of the children softly pleading for silence in their shattered world? Angry guns preach a gospel full of hate, blood of the innocent on their hands. Crying," Jesus, help me to feel the sun again upon my face? For when darkness clears, I know you're near, bringing peace again."
- Dali čujete sve dječje molitve?
Can you hear the prayer of the children?
Wow, I had this stuck in my head today and I got home and I watched this video like six times in a row. This piece is just so powerful. I want to perform this in a female a capella group sooooo bad! It makes me want to go out and do a service project right now! Mmmm so beautiful! So yeah...just wanted to share this. Wonderful!
Odd dreams and a Panic Attack
Had a really weird dream last night. I was wearing Black Milk's Leg Bones and I had a lot of very wacky adventures. I wish I could remember them I just know some people didn't like my legs and some people said they were the only leggings they like. Oh fyi: I don't even own these...and I wasn't checking them out before bed...they just got up there in my brain...odd...
Okay so last night I went to CRU which is a christian bible study night with college kids and it was really great I had a ton of fun. The silly thing is that EVERYONE and their dog was trying to get a hold of me while I was gone for this. I had my phone on silent and kept ignoring several phone calls thinking "dude! I am learning about Jesus! leave me alone!" and so apparently I caused a multiperson freak out last night. Want the whole story? Well I'll tell ya anyway.
Monday I was having a rough day and in the midst of my bad day my uncle robbie calls me to ask if I wanted some concert tickets. He could tell I wasn't feeling so happy and apparently after we got off the phone he couldn't get me out of his mind. So all of Tuesday he was ruminating on the fact that he could tell there was something wrong. So last night (while I was at Cru) he was sitting in the USU library (yes we go to the same school) and felt very strongly that he needed to talk to me. So he calls. No answer. He calls again. No answer. He comes over to my dorm. I am not there. He calls my mom. She doesn't know whats going on. She calls me. No answer. She calls again. No answer. She calls Evan. He says I had a thing that night. He hangs up and panics because now someone got him thinking there was something wrong. He calls me. No answer. My mom calls robbie back and relays what she found out. He is still panicking. My mom sends me a text: You need to call me asap.
My meeting starts wrapping up and I see a voicemail 5+ miss calls and a message that says "you need to call me asap." It freaked me out! Here I was having a spiritual moment and I missed all these calls. I thought someone had gotten in an accident. I call my mom. She tells me that robbie had felt there was something wrong with me and was freaking out. I reassure her that I am fine and call robbie. He is relieved but still feels that there might be something wrong. I reassure him that I was just at bible study and he called me in the middle of a prayer at one point. He again asks me "you wouldn't lie to me about this would you?" and I had to again tell him that I was perfectly fine and that nothing bad had happened. He believed me and let me off the phone so I could go back to mingle at CRU. Later when I talked to Evan he was pretty worked up too.
Sheesh! So much drama over little ol' me when all I am doing is getting a lesson about miracles and teachings in the new testament. It was crazy! Alright. Well thats all I've got for you right now!
Guten Morgen!
Okay so last night I went to CRU which is a christian bible study night with college kids and it was really great I had a ton of fun. The silly thing is that EVERYONE and their dog was trying to get a hold of me while I was gone for this. I had my phone on silent and kept ignoring several phone calls thinking "dude! I am learning about Jesus! leave me alone!" and so apparently I caused a multiperson freak out last night. Want the whole story? Well I'll tell ya anyway.
Monday I was having a rough day and in the midst of my bad day my uncle robbie calls me to ask if I wanted some concert tickets. He could tell I wasn't feeling so happy and apparently after we got off the phone he couldn't get me out of his mind. So all of Tuesday he was ruminating on the fact that he could tell there was something wrong. So last night (while I was at Cru) he was sitting in the USU library (yes we go to the same school) and felt very strongly that he needed to talk to me. So he calls. No answer. He calls again. No answer. He comes over to my dorm. I am not there. He calls my mom. She doesn't know whats going on. She calls me. No answer. She calls again. No answer. She calls Evan. He says I had a thing that night. He hangs up and panics because now someone got him thinking there was something wrong. He calls me. No answer. My mom calls robbie back and relays what she found out. He is still panicking. My mom sends me a text: You need to call me asap.
My meeting starts wrapping up and I see a voicemail 5+ miss calls and a message that says "you need to call me asap." It freaked me out! Here I was having a spiritual moment and I missed all these calls. I thought someone had gotten in an accident. I call my mom. She tells me that robbie had felt there was something wrong with me and was freaking out. I reassure her that I am fine and call robbie. He is relieved but still feels that there might be something wrong. I reassure him that I was just at bible study and he called me in the middle of a prayer at one point. He again asks me "you wouldn't lie to me about this would you?" and I had to again tell him that I was perfectly fine and that nothing bad had happened. He believed me and let me off the phone so I could go back to mingle at CRU. Later when I talked to Evan he was pretty worked up too.
Sheesh! So much drama over little ol' me when all I am doing is getting a lesson about miracles and teachings in the new testament. It was crazy! Alright. Well thats all I've got for you right now!
Guten Morgen!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Study Abroad, Facebook and College in General
So first of all, I deactivated my Facebook. Yes I know shocking. I just felt like I needed a bit of a break from it so its gone for now (probably will be back eventually). It feels pretty good, going through a few withdrawals but hey I feel like this will be much healthier for me. I usually only wasted time on it really. The people I want to keep in contact with I have their numbers. The main thing I am missing is the black milk fan page but I could still look at it while being deactivated so I guess it works out. (probably healthier for my wallet anyway)
Okay, now onto bigger and better things! I am going to study abroad! I am very stoked. I have had a couple meetings and I have started my planning. I don't plan on going until Spring 2013 so I have plenty of time. I'll be completed with German 2010 by the time I leave and I think I will have all the money saved up by then. I did the math and to have all my funds ready to go with a little of spare time I am going to need to average $210 a month in savings. I think I can pull it off, yeah for October and maybe November I wont be able to make a ton of money but I have some saved from my financial aid that kinda counts. Once Christmas season is in full swing I might have more luck with my part time ushering job with the theater department. For now, ushering with the athletics department I get about $35 everyother week yuck, but hey its money.
I am so excited to study abroad though, with the direct transfer program that USU has set up it will be way cheaper to go and they have great support so it will be really easy to get everything squared away before I even get on the plane. I am planning on attending the University of Innsbruck in western Austria from March to July. I am not very anxious at all about it. The study abroad office takes such good care of you that its pretty simple and not too daunting. I applied for a scholarship through NSCS (national society for collegiate scholars) which I joined last month. There are also sever study abroad scholarship I am planning on applying for once the date gets closer.
In Innsbruck I will taking literature classes while enjoying my time abroad. I love how pretty Austria is, especially Innsbruck, I mean just look at it!
Ugh! So gorgeous! And Innsbruck is literally a few hours via train to Milan, Venice, Zurich or Munich! So traveling would be really easy and not too expensive. The city itself is beautiful with old archetecture and churchs combined with old squares and small family owned shops. I am very excited!
My German 1010 class is going fairly well considering that I study 2-3 hours a night. I am bound and determined to learn this language! Hopefully before I get there so I don't feel overwhelmed. Went to a tutoring session today and it helped a bit, I think I need to be more confident and I need to work on listening to German more...I wish I had some movies I could watch in German that would be very helpful. I was thinking I might buy a German-English bible so that I can practice reading comprehension more.
Speaking of the bible, I have been feeling really great about God lately (not intending to preach) and I have felt a bit sense of relief since I have started attending Alpine Church. It feels so great to be learning more about Christ and I feel much more confident in myself and in his love for me. I don't feel quite as lost now as I did before. I think it also helps that I am meeting a lot of kids my age who are really involved with CRU (crusade for Christ in college) and it helps me to see their conviction and its great to be around a group of such loving individuals. My friend Brad has in particular been very kind and understanding over the past few weeks, he is helping me learn a lot and I am vastly impressed by his knowledge of scripture. It feels great to be in this place in my life where I know who I am and I am connecting with myself and with God more.
So life is pretty good right now, by no means perfect as life always throws you a few curve balls but I feel satisfied and comfortable. Life is grand and full of endless possibilities.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Okay, now onto bigger and better things! I am going to study abroad! I am very stoked. I have had a couple meetings and I have started my planning. I don't plan on going until Spring 2013 so I have plenty of time. I'll be completed with German 2010 by the time I leave and I think I will have all the money saved up by then. I did the math and to have all my funds ready to go with a little of spare time I am going to need to average $210 a month in savings. I think I can pull it off, yeah for October and maybe November I wont be able to make a ton of money but I have some saved from my financial aid that kinda counts. Once Christmas season is in full swing I might have more luck with my part time ushering job with the theater department. For now, ushering with the athletics department I get about $35 everyother week yuck, but hey its money.
I am so excited to study abroad though, with the direct transfer program that USU has set up it will be way cheaper to go and they have great support so it will be really easy to get everything squared away before I even get on the plane. I am planning on attending the University of Innsbruck in western Austria from March to July. I am not very anxious at all about it. The study abroad office takes such good care of you that its pretty simple and not too daunting. I applied for a scholarship through NSCS (national society for collegiate scholars) which I joined last month. There are also sever study abroad scholarship I am planning on applying for once the date gets closer.
In Innsbruck I will taking literature classes while enjoying my time abroad. I love how pretty Austria is, especially Innsbruck, I mean just look at it!
My German 1010 class is going fairly well considering that I study 2-3 hours a night. I am bound and determined to learn this language! Hopefully before I get there so I don't feel overwhelmed. Went to a tutoring session today and it helped a bit, I think I need to be more confident and I need to work on listening to German more...I wish I had some movies I could watch in German that would be very helpful. I was thinking I might buy a German-English bible so that I can practice reading comprehension more.
Speaking of the bible, I have been feeling really great about God lately (not intending to preach) and I have felt a bit sense of relief since I have started attending Alpine Church. It feels so great to be learning more about Christ and I feel much more confident in myself and in his love for me. I don't feel quite as lost now as I did before. I think it also helps that I am meeting a lot of kids my age who are really involved with CRU (crusade for Christ in college) and it helps me to see their conviction and its great to be around a group of such loving individuals. My friend Brad has in particular been very kind and understanding over the past few weeks, he is helping me learn a lot and I am vastly impressed by his knowledge of scripture. It feels great to be in this place in my life where I know who I am and I am connecting with myself and with God more.
So life is pretty good right now, by no means perfect as life always throws you a few curve balls but I feel satisfied and comfortable. Life is grand and full of endless possibilities.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
My Life As I Know It
Okay so first of all I have to state on the record that I understand the seriousness of my Black Milk addiction and I am being responsible. So...the above picture features my four black milk pieces that I have in my closet now :) I love them so much, they are such high quality and I feel like a million bucks when I wear them. I have more on the way and I am quite excited.
Now! On to real life.
I have survived week two of this semester. I say I survived because it wasn't easy at all. German has been a freight train of memorization and for the first week and a half I was the unfortunate soul hanging onto the side with one arm. Most of the kids in my class have taken German in high school so I kinda feel way out of my league.
With the combination of being sick, drowning in German and having art, fiction writing, psych and a social life I was feeling very overwhelmed. Went to the doctor, got some awesome prescription meds and the nose cleared up mostly along with the grogginess. I still have a less severe cough and occasionally runny nose but I am much improved.
After practically having a breakdown because of my panic over German I begged my Uncle Robbie to help me, he (being a kind man) invited me over to his house to study. We worked for two hours on my work book and he gave me a few tips that helped a ton and he was able to calm me down a good deal so I didn't feel so panicked. After he took me home and I decompressed I the proceeded to make 140 new flash cards to supplement the 20 I had already made. This helped tremendously! Flash cards will help me rule the world! The next day I was actually correcting my partner instead of apologizing for not remembering my stuff, I felt confident and even answered a question to my teacher in front of the class.
Now I am no longer afraid of German. I just need to make flash cards for everything I need to learn...its a good thing 100 flash cards are only 50 cents at the book store. I bought 400 the other day...
Oh! I forgot to mention my Yoga class! Tehe Jerrica is in that class with me and we have lots of fun chatting before and after about how much our butts and legs and arms hurt. Its so nice though! Only two classes and I can already feel improvement as the positions get easier (now mind you I still can't hold a plank or raised down dog without having to take a break 4 times). The meditation is nice, just wish we meditated longer guess with and hour class there isn't really enough time for it. One thing I really like that we have gotten out of the class so far is the breath. She taught us this really awesome way to breath, not just through our nose but at the back of the throat and out through the sinuses almost like a snore. It makes you all warm and actually helps you keep the poses longer. As a person who hates nose breathing I was amazed that I love this breathing thing, she says that it really helps in winter because it physically warms the air first so you stay warmer.
ANYWAY...onwards from Yoga!
I wrote a decent short story for my fiction class...had to read it out loud on the spot...I got nervous...I blushed...I stumbled over my own words...yeaaaahhh...
I am half way done with my second art project of the semester...its due Monday...better chop chop eh?
Today was a horrible no good very bad day....then it got better. Seriously though... here is my facebook post from today:
is having one of those days... nightmares+oversleeping+strang e medicine side effects+ mood swings+ blistered feet+ the marketplace being overly crowded+ the food guy giving me the wrong thing+ me dropping it on some guys foot+ too much to do in too little time= one huge serving of girly frustration tears
As you can see...not so good. Yes. I literally dropped rotisserie chicken on a guy's foot. Then I had no where to sit. Then I sat awkwardly with strangers and felt too awkward to get more food and come back to the table so I left not full.
I calmed down a felt much better after a 2 hour session of sitting alone in an art studio slaving away with a good radio station filling the room...good times. I then went to dinner and found Pedro who helped me by letting me vent and then I got "icecream drunk" as I had a massive serving of chocolate aggie icecream. It was goooooooooooooooooood.
Heidi and I also went to an awesome frat party tonight. It was a pool party so I wore my purple galaxy swim with a mini skirt over it. We danced for like half an hour and then we jumped in the pool and stayed there for the rest of the time. (side note: my galaxy swim looked AWESOME in the black lights as all the stars glowed) In the pool all the frat boys had cannonball and belly flop competitions and there were definitely some crowd favorites including a move called "The Penguin" where the guy slopped large amounts of water onto the side and then slid into the pool. Another crowd favorite was just the general attitude and attire of one guy: he had shaved his chest hair to look like a bikini top and had a "cape" which was a hoodie towel in the shape of a lion.
Needless to say we had a fun time. We had to leave early though, which was fine because I was yawning every two seconds. After we got back to Heidi's room (where we left our stuff) I grabbed my (p)leather jacket and wore it over the suit with the mini skirt, I had it all zipped up and I felt like a bad ass :).
So yeah that was my craziness of my life lately. Tomorrow is dedicated to German and football :) Woot! Go AGGIES!!!!
Auf Wiedersehen!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
I am a German Slave of the semester and I already feel like I am going to have to work my ass off this semester to keep up. German is INTENSE! Each day so far we have had three hand outs with words or phrases to memorize by the next day. She said 1 1/2 hours a day of homework...I am thinking more like 3...
So far I know my numbers...pronunciation...a few objects...some basic interaction...and all my letters...this is going to take some getting used to. I am hoping I will get into a groove where I will feel more comfortable and not feel like I am staring at gibberish and having to keep referencing the book to do anything... -crosses fingers-
Gute Nacht!
So far I know my numbers...pronunciation...a few objects...some basic interaction...and all my letters...this is going to take some getting used to. I am hoping I will get into a groove where I will feel more comfortable and not feel like I am staring at gibberish and having to keep referencing the book to do anything... -crosses fingers-
Gute Nacht!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Cotton Candy, a Bull, a Cat Call and a Streaker
So last night was an adventure to say the least.
It started off by Alex and me hanging out lazily in my room and she said "I want to go mingle with the boys" so we decided to go walk the Man Tower. We only saw a grand total of around 7 guys cause they were either hiding or out being social. While we were there we met up with one of the R.A.s and he was talking to us about going greek and gave us the sales pitch. While he was talking to us he flagged down a girl who was walking buy who is in a sorority and had her tell us some stuff. She told us that there was a greek sponsored BBQ going on right now (no wonder all the boys were gone). So after stopping in to talk to pedro on the 7th floor we headed over to the BBQ.
It was a pretty awesome party, kids were playing soccer, laser tag and ultimate Frisbee. There was free cotton candy, pop corn and water. A DJ was set up blastin' some pretty good tunage. Then-there was the bull! Alex rode it once before we headed back to the tower to a) drop off her phone to charge b) for me to change[I was in a dress] and c) to pick up her boyfriend sam. Once we got back we each rode the bull and it was pretty dang cool, just really hard to stay on.
By this time it was dark and the 'dance' started up. It was okay, too many freshman who didn't know how to dance now that they were in the big bad college lol. Once FlowRider came on with "Low" things really heated up, got cat called by a black guy, personally I take that as a huge compliment to my dancing. Some guy tried to grind with me and I slipped away and he took the hint. Once that song was over though it kinda went back to a few kids jumping and a lot of just standing around. So, we left.
We decided to go over to Old Main and star gaze. It was very clear so we had some great stars. We chatted and joked for a bit and then watched some ice blockers eat some major grass. Then things really got interesting. As we were sitting there Sam said "Hey what's that guy doing down there?" we saw in the distant shadows a guy walking around under the trees. At this point Sam said "Is he naked?" Alex and I didn't think so. I thought he was just wearing kakhi colored clothing. Boy was I wrong.
This nude guy runs straight for us with a frantic, haggard look in is eye. He then proceeds to sit down RIGHT next to Sam, and not at a friendly distance. His leg was touching Sam's. This streaker then proceedes to rave frantically about finding a guy name Ryan and it went a little something like this:
"Where's Ryan? I'm looking for Ryan! I know him! We've had sex like a thousand times. I think I love him. I just need to find him! I need Ryan!"
It was quite funny, then we told him to go find Ryan and follow his dreams. We mostly wanted him to go away and quit touching Sam. At this point he ran away and started harassing the ice blocking group who gave him a towel that they had been using to ice block. He sat down with them and we couldn't here what he was saying to them. At this point Sam and Alex decided to go look for his clothes, which they found further down the hill by where we had first saw him. They then came back and folded up his clothes, Alex was going to wash them and put them on her bullitan board.
Then the cops showed up and we felt like it was time to leave. Alex gave them his clothes so he could get dressed before he headed off to jail. Then we got asked to stick around and talk to the cops and we ended up mingling with the ice blocker group swapping naked man stories. A little bit later the cops came back and had us fill out witness statements. After that we headed back home under the stars wondering about the fate of the little naked man.
It started off by Alex and me hanging out lazily in my room and she said "I want to go mingle with the boys" so we decided to go walk the Man Tower. We only saw a grand total of around 7 guys cause they were either hiding or out being social. While we were there we met up with one of the R.A.s and he was talking to us about going greek and gave us the sales pitch. While he was talking to us he flagged down a girl who was walking buy who is in a sorority and had her tell us some stuff. She told us that there was a greek sponsored BBQ going on right now (no wonder all the boys were gone). So after stopping in to talk to pedro on the 7th floor we headed over to the BBQ.
It was a pretty awesome party, kids were playing soccer, laser tag and ultimate Frisbee. There was free cotton candy, pop corn and water. A DJ was set up blastin' some pretty good tunage. Then-there was the bull! Alex rode it once before we headed back to the tower to a) drop off her phone to charge b) for me to change[I was in a dress] and c) to pick up her boyfriend sam. Once we got back we each rode the bull and it was pretty dang cool, just really hard to stay on.
By this time it was dark and the 'dance' started up. It was okay, too many freshman who didn't know how to dance now that they were in the big bad college lol. Once FlowRider came on with "Low" things really heated up, got cat called by a black guy, personally I take that as a huge compliment to my dancing. Some guy tried to grind with me and I slipped away and he took the hint. Once that song was over though it kinda went back to a few kids jumping and a lot of just standing around. So, we left.
We decided to go over to Old Main and star gaze. It was very clear so we had some great stars. We chatted and joked for a bit and then watched some ice blockers eat some major grass. Then things really got interesting. As we were sitting there Sam said "Hey what's that guy doing down there?" we saw in the distant shadows a guy walking around under the trees. At this point Sam said "Is he naked?" Alex and I didn't think so. I thought he was just wearing kakhi colored clothing. Boy was I wrong.
This nude guy runs straight for us with a frantic, haggard look in is eye. He then proceeds to sit down RIGHT next to Sam, and not at a friendly distance. His leg was touching Sam's. This streaker then proceedes to rave frantically about finding a guy name Ryan and it went a little something like this:
"Where's Ryan? I'm looking for Ryan! I know him! We've had sex like a thousand times. I think I love him. I just need to find him! I need Ryan!"
It was quite funny, then we told him to go find Ryan and follow his dreams. We mostly wanted him to go away and quit touching Sam. At this point he ran away and started harassing the ice blocking group who gave him a towel that they had been using to ice block. He sat down with them and we couldn't here what he was saying to them. At this point Sam and Alex decided to go look for his clothes, which they found further down the hill by where we had first saw him. They then came back and folded up his clothes, Alex was going to wash them and put them on her bullitan board.
Then the cops showed up and we felt like it was time to leave. Alex gave them his clothes so he could get dressed before he headed off to jail. Then we got asked to stick around and talk to the cops and we ended up mingling with the ice blocker group swapping naked man stories. A little bit later the cops came back and had us fill out witness statements. After that we headed back home under the stars wondering about the fate of the little naked man.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Big Day
So I have a phone interview today for an on campus job, I am super excited. I think I can get this job and it would be absolutely perfect for my schedule. Mon-Thurs it is 6-9 and Sat it is 9am-Noon. Only three hour shifts, perfect for working around classes and homework. Elizabeth should be calling around 10:30 :) about the same time that my room mate should get here.
Yup Sam is coming today. I wont be totally alone all the time now! Yay! The room feels weird right now cause I have a ton of stuff and there is nothing on her side...just white...creepy lol. I am excited... a lot going down this morning. Oh! I forgot to write yesterday about the funny freshman guy that tried hitting on me yesterday!
So I was walking into The Junction (cafeteria) and he passed me and said in a 'sexy' voice "hola, coma es das?" and I responded "buen, eh tu?" [fyi I don't speak or spell Spanish, I am just guessing] and his eyes all light up and he goes "oooohhhhh asi asi!". Then I got food and when I got a drink he was there and was like " I didn't know you spoke Spanish!" to which I replied "I don't, I know very little" and he said "Oh me too, that's about all I know." I then dodged out of his way and went and sat with Pedro. I found it a very funny encounter. Freshmen!
Well that's about all, I shall leave you with a joke:
A Baptist Preacher was seated next to a cowboy on a flight to Texas. After the plane took off the cowboy asked for a whiskey and soda, which was brought and placed before him. The flight attendant then asked the preacher if he would like a drink.
Yup Sam is coming today. I wont be totally alone all the time now! Yay! The room feels weird right now cause I have a ton of stuff and there is nothing on her side...just white...creepy lol. I am excited... a lot going down this morning. Oh! I forgot to write yesterday about the funny freshman guy that tried hitting on me yesterday!
So I was walking into The Junction (cafeteria) and he passed me and said in a 'sexy' voice "hola, coma es das?" and I responded "buen, eh tu?" [fyi I don't speak or spell Spanish, I am just guessing] and his eyes all light up and he goes "oooohhhhh asi asi!". Then I got food and when I got a drink he was there and was like " I didn't know you spoke Spanish!" to which I replied "I don't, I know very little" and he said "Oh me too, that's about all I know." I then dodged out of his way and went and sat with Pedro. I found it a very funny encounter. Freshmen!
Well that's about all, I shall leave you with a joke:
A Baptist Preacher was seated next to a cowboy on a flight to Texas. After the plane took off the cowboy asked for a whiskey and soda, which was brought and placed before him. The flight attendant then asked the preacher if he would like a drink.
Appalled, the preacher replied, "I'd rather be tied up and taken advantage of by women of ill-repute than let liquor touch my lips."
The cowboy then handed his drink back to the attendant and said, "Me too, I didn't know we had a choice."
How the Shy Guy Taught Me to be Friendly
So, I don't know why but I've felt kinda shy the past few days with the girls on my floor, idk between me being tired and them being tired not much talking has happened. Today I met up with my friend Pedro for dinner and after we chatted we went back to my room and talked for a bit longer before he was like "lets go meet people" and that's exactly what we did.
Now Pedro has always seemed rather shy because he is very soft spoken and last year when we were in big groups he didn't talk much. Well, I guess he has been working on being more outgoing because he introduced himself to 6 different girls tonight on my floor and I got to know a lot more people because of it...I guess I should do that more. Just walk up and say "Hi, I am Carly. What's your name?" and start talking and asking questions. I guess interview is a type of conversation right?
Well we hung out with my neighbors for a while and had a good long fun chat with them, they got nicknames and we talked about self defense and being "mean". FYI: Pedro can't be mean. He was trying and laughing at the same time and then wonder why we couldn't take him serious, it was quite funny. Had a pretty good night because Pedro showed me how by doing something that may seem awkward, it can become less awkward. Lesson learned. Thanks Pedro!
Now Pedro has always seemed rather shy because he is very soft spoken and last year when we were in big groups he didn't talk much. Well, I guess he has been working on being more outgoing because he introduced himself to 6 different girls tonight on my floor and I got to know a lot more people because of it...I guess I should do that more. Just walk up and say "Hi, I am Carly. What's your name?" and start talking and asking questions. I guess interview is a type of conversation right?
Well we hung out with my neighbors for a while and had a good long fun chat with them, they got nicknames and we talked about self defense and being "mean". FYI: Pedro can't be mean. He was trying and laughing at the same time and then wonder why we couldn't take him serious, it was quite funny. Had a pretty good night because Pedro showed me how by doing something that may seem awkward, it can become less awkward. Lesson learned. Thanks Pedro!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Recipes...because I'm bored
So here are some recipes from the cook book I'm compiling, I didn't make any of these recipes...just long to someday have the kitchen to cook them in.
Candee McKnight's Lettuce Wraps

1 cup water
2 tablespoons peanut butter
5 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1 tablespoon sugar
Chili powder (add to preference)
Chopped cilantro (add to preference)
Suggested Wrap Ingredients
1 head of lettuce
Shredded carrots
Thinly sliced cucumber
Cooked white rice
Sliced and grilled onions
Cooked chicken
1. Gather wrap ingredient (cook chicken, rice and onions).
2. Add sauce ingredients into a pan and heat until boiling.
3. Serve.
1 tablespoon yeast
1 1/2 cup warm water
3 tablespoons sugar
3 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup melted butter
Mrs. Dash Italian herb
1. Preheat Oven to 375°
2. Combine yeast, water, and sugar. Set aside.
3. Combine flour and salt.
4. Mix in yeast to flour and let rest for 10 minutes.
5. Roll our cut and put in 9x13.
6. Pour butter over top.
7. Season.
8. Bake 15-20 minutes
Serves 6
1 gallon whipping cream
1 cylinder of parmesan cheese
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
Two boxes of bow tie noodles
1 head of broccoli
1. Turn on BBQ to moderately high.
2. Cut up chicken into 1 inch slices.
3. Start the bow tie noodles in boiling water and cook to al dente.
4. Meanwhile pour whipping cream into a large pot over high heat until boiling. Constantly stirring
5. Meanwhile cook the chicken on the BBQ and steam the broccoli
6. Stir in parmesan cheese a little bit at a time. Once it is all added turn down heat and allow to thicken, stirring constantly.
7. Once thick you can turn off the heat and stop stirring.
8. Cut up cooked chicken.
9. Strain the noodles.
10. To serve: place noodles in the bottom of the dish then layer chicken, broccoli and sauce.
So yeah...some recipes because I am hungry for them and was hoping you guys would like them :) maybe I'll post some more another time
Monday, August 22, 2011
Moved in...and BORED
So its coming on night numero dos in the new dorm room, getting pretty settled in. I have four boxes totally unpacked and the rest of them half empty, I've decorated using my hat collection and put up all my books :) Evan came slept over the first night to help me unpack and keep me company. He left about an hour ago...and now I am dead bored. I can't find it in myself to unpack more tonight and most of the girls on the floor are busy unpacking or hanging with their families. Hopefully the gym will be open tomorrow, I really want to start out fast on my workout regiment.
Well, must try to entertain myself
Well, must try to entertain myself
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
My Black Milk Obsession
This might be getting unhealthy...I check the Black Milk Facebook page more than any other page on the internet... but can't ya see why?
But for real, this company is amazing, other than making out standing clothing they are out standing people. The owner/mastermind/designer/emperor actually manages his own fan page and responds daily to fan posts and pictures. Contests and discounts reward the faithful followers of the page as well as being part of a wonderfully positive community of people who love the product. The customer service department alone is amazing, their care and concern over the buyer's worries is sincere and leads to rave reviews of "the girls".
The products they send out are top of the line, that's why it may stretch your budget a bit, but it is totally worth it. The leggings are comfortable and forgiving (i.e. form fitting with out revealing everything), the designer pieces are well cut to drape perfectly and everything is constructed to the highest caliber to satisfy the ever raving fans.
Wonderful for your everyday or night out, Black Milk has the top items on a trendy girl's "want" list.
These are my purchases thus far: Lace Baby Doll Top, Green Galaxies and my Purple Galaxy Swim is on its way...
My addiction is ridiculous. So I have been able to resist and only order these three so far...but look at all the awesomeness that I want to buy:
But for real, this company is amazing, other than making out standing clothing they are out standing people. The owner/mastermind/designer/emperor actually manages his own fan page and responds daily to fan posts and pictures. Contests and discounts reward the faithful followers of the page as well as being part of a wonderfully positive community of people who love the product. The customer service department alone is amazing, their care and concern over the buyer's worries is sincere and leads to rave reviews of "the girls".
The products they send out are top of the line, that's why it may stretch your budget a bit, but it is totally worth it. The leggings are comfortable and forgiving (i.e. form fitting with out revealing everything), the designer pieces are well cut to drape perfectly and everything is constructed to the highest caliber to satisfy the ever raving fans.
Wonderful for your everyday or night out, Black Milk has the top items on a trendy girl's "want" list.
These are my purchases thus far: Lace Baby Doll Top, Green Galaxies and my Purple Galaxy Swim is on its way...
![]() |
green galaxies |
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green galaxies again |
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lace baby doll (belt not included) |
My addiction is ridiculous. So I have been able to resist and only order these three so far...but look at all the awesomeness that I want to buy:
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
So...I have been waiting...and waiting....and waiting for my Black Milk stuff...ugh this is like torture. I stalk the page and it doesn't even help. I want my leggings! I ordered the Green Galaxies and the Clouds swimsuit...ugh!!! Its going to be like 3 weeks before I will even have hope :( sadness...
But some good news: I got iTunes for my birthday and have bought a lot of music and two audio books eeeee woot! I am happy about that...
I have also been waiting for another thing...Evan's phone to be was supposed to be done today but apparently they wont have it done until at least friday because the supplier was out of LCD touch screens :( so I have to go even longer without much contact from my man...I am so clinging and I didn't even know it until this happened...
But some good news: I got iTunes for my birthday and have bought a lot of music and two audio books eeeee woot! I am happy about that...
I have also been waiting for another thing...Evan's phone to be was supposed to be done today but apparently they wont have it done until at least friday because the supplier was out of LCD touch screens :( so I have to go even longer without much contact from my man...I am so clinging and I didn't even know it until this happened...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Best Birthday EVER
Wow, I totally just had a three day birthday extravaganza :) it was wonderful.
First, we had a barbeque with Evan's family. My mom made awesome flank steak that was so tender it melted in my mouth :) . We also had fresh picked corn on the cob and a delicious pasta salad Denise brought and fresh fruit she brought too. I love that my two families get along so well, its a big relief that they don't fight or anything crazy. After dinner we went outside and sat in the back yard chatting for a while, Denise couldn't stop raving about the view, it is pretty sweet :). Then we had delicious italian cream cake with chocolate ganache and strawberries. To. Die. For. Ya know, I think that them singing to me was the first time I have been really embarressed in a really long time. I guess I am not an attention whore :P
Well any way, I went home with them and then Evan gave me my ring. God, its so pretty and its so me! Its amazing and I love it :). Tuesday morning we got up and ready and hit SLCC for Evan's Biology test while I waited with some coffee in the student center. Then we headed up to lagoon.
It was kinda sad though...second ride we go on was Wicked and Evan's phone slipped out of his pocket and hit the pavement below. He was really bummed out...I kinda feel like it was my fault...he didn't really want to go on it. Then we met up with Heidi and came back and did spider and wicked again. We found out that they do a perimiter sweep of the ride around 3 for lost items and that gave us a glimmer of hope. We did a good amount of rides and ate some sweet treats.
It was so hot that day so we went on rattle snake rapids and got soaked. The waterfall totally got bigger because it used to be that only one person would get wet and now everyone in the raft gets soaked no matter where you sit. But it was fun. Then we hit some fun rides and I made Heidi go on the Sammeri for the first time. We all loved it, though it squished Evan a bit. It was really cool that Evan and I wore matching batman shirts to lagoon because we got 6 different compliments from people. Yay for nerdness!
We checked lost and found and low and behold and it was there. The phone was not blasted to oblivion. The LCD screen was shattered so his touch screen doesn't work but the phone can still get called, he just can't answer, $100 fix verses $400 for a new phone, much perferable.
Heidi had to jet because she had to get back to rehearsals for Scarlett Pimpernel. So Evan and I got some dinner at Arby's and then chilled in the cool grass of the picnic area :) . We went on some more rides and got some dippin dots, Evan's first time having them...they are the! any who, then we hit up one of those cute photobooth things and had fun taking some adorable pictures. Evan said "We are now a real couple right?", he is so cute! By that time we were exhausted so we went on one or two more rides and then headed home.
We got home and had to head straight to the basement because Denise was having her annual book club and we didn't want to interupt. So we watched some tv and went to bed. We were so tired. Today was kinda chill, we went and got some hair bleach at smiths and I fixed my roots because my hair has already grown at least and inch and a half if not two inches since I bleached it. Then we got all dressed up and fancy and went to cheesecake factory for dinner which was super delicious. Man I love the food there. It is just top notch! The cheesecake to die for of course. Though I ordered that to go...and I got hounded when we got back because everyone wanted my cheesecake, then we hung with griff and dill for a bit and then Evan brought me home.
It was an awesome birthday celebration, I still think its weird that I'm 19 I'll get used to it.
First, we had a barbeque with Evan's family. My mom made awesome flank steak that was so tender it melted in my mouth :) . We also had fresh picked corn on the cob and a delicious pasta salad Denise brought and fresh fruit she brought too. I love that my two families get along so well, its a big relief that they don't fight or anything crazy. After dinner we went outside and sat in the back yard chatting for a while, Denise couldn't stop raving about the view, it is pretty sweet :). Then we had delicious italian cream cake with chocolate ganache and strawberries. To. Die. For. Ya know, I think that them singing to me was the first time I have been really embarressed in a really long time. I guess I am not an attention whore :P
Well any way, I went home with them and then Evan gave me my ring. God, its so pretty and its so me! Its amazing and I love it :). Tuesday morning we got up and ready and hit SLCC for Evan's Biology test while I waited with some coffee in the student center. Then we headed up to lagoon.
It was kinda sad though...second ride we go on was Wicked and Evan's phone slipped out of his pocket and hit the pavement below. He was really bummed out...I kinda feel like it was my fault...he didn't really want to go on it. Then we met up with Heidi and came back and did spider and wicked again. We found out that they do a perimiter sweep of the ride around 3 for lost items and that gave us a glimmer of hope. We did a good amount of rides and ate some sweet treats.
It was so hot that day so we went on rattle snake rapids and got soaked. The waterfall totally got bigger because it used to be that only one person would get wet and now everyone in the raft gets soaked no matter where you sit. But it was fun. Then we hit some fun rides and I made Heidi go on the Sammeri for the first time. We all loved it, though it squished Evan a bit. It was really cool that Evan and I wore matching batman shirts to lagoon because we got 6 different compliments from people. Yay for nerdness!
We checked lost and found and low and behold and it was there. The phone was not blasted to oblivion. The LCD screen was shattered so his touch screen doesn't work but the phone can still get called, he just can't answer, $100 fix verses $400 for a new phone, much perferable.
Heidi had to jet because she had to get back to rehearsals for Scarlett Pimpernel. So Evan and I got some dinner at Arby's and then chilled in the cool grass of the picnic area :) . We went on some more rides and got some dippin dots, Evan's first time having them...they are the! any who, then we hit up one of those cute photobooth things and had fun taking some adorable pictures. Evan said "We are now a real couple right?", he is so cute! By that time we were exhausted so we went on one or two more rides and then headed home.
We got home and had to head straight to the basement because Denise was having her annual book club and we didn't want to interupt. So we watched some tv and went to bed. We were so tired. Today was kinda chill, we went and got some hair bleach at smiths and I fixed my roots because my hair has already grown at least and inch and a half if not two inches since I bleached it. Then we got all dressed up and fancy and went to cheesecake factory for dinner which was super delicious. Man I love the food there. It is just top notch! The cheesecake to die for of course. Though I ordered that to go...and I got hounded when we got back because everyone wanted my cheesecake, then we hung with griff and dill for a bit and then Evan brought me home.
It was an awesome birthday celebration, I still think its weird that I'm 19 I'll get used to it.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Baby Doll
OH MY GOSH!!!! My lace baby doll from black milk got here in the mail today :) it fits perfect, flowing, long and still accentuating my boobs perfectly! aaaahhhhhh
yeah...just had to blerb :)
yeah...just had to blerb :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Harry Potter...and My kind of Secret Addiction
So I have seen Harry Potter 7.2 twice since it came out and it is phenomenal! In a cliche way of putting it: it made me laugh, it made me cry! But for real the movie is fantastic! The sound track alone is amazing, I am considering buying it (and I don't buy sound tracks). The acting is great on all sides and the directing and styling choices were superb! I really loved it. The only thing I have a real complaint about was that I HAD to see it in 3D and I didn't like the 3D, it made certain action sequences dull a bit because I couldn't focus my eyes. Also for any readers out there one book to movie transition that got missed was Lupin & Tonk's child and the follow up in the epilogue. Other than those two things they pulled it off brilliantly. It is definitely my favorite of the movies. Stupendous work by all involved, oh now that I think of it there was one moment where effects failed me a bit, when they are flying out of the room of requirements herminone's shot is so obviously done on green screen it looked like a shot from a theme park ride (took me out of the movie for a moment). Okay, I am seriously done complaining. It was wonderful and I am just a crazy fan girl.
Moving on, so ya know how I posted a few weeks back on 'Black Milk Clothing'? Well... I have kind of become obsessed with them. I've ordered a top from them and I am anxiously waiting for the next collection to open so I can purchase more. I watch their Facebook site like a freak and scan through 300+ pictures more often than I care to reveal. Oh and I have this odd obsession with being the first of my friends to discover them. I want to walk around college and have people go "wow! where did you get those? they are amazing!"...I am kind of a freak. So yes I am obsessed...but I always have had a love for clothes and when they are as cool as having a picture of a sweet green and blue galaxy on your legs who can resist?
Carly xoxo
P.S. I found this awesome Harry Potter video go check it out.
Moving on, so ya know how I posted a few weeks back on 'Black Milk Clothing'? Well... I have kind of become obsessed with them. I've ordered a top from them and I am anxiously waiting for the next collection to open so I can purchase more. I watch their Facebook site like a freak and scan through 300+ pictures more often than I care to reveal. Oh and I have this odd obsession with being the first of my friends to discover them. I want to walk around college and have people go "wow! where did you get those? they are amazing!"...I am kind of a freak. So yes I am obsessed...but I always have had a love for clothes and when they are as cool as having a picture of a sweet green and blue galaxy on your legs who can resist?
Carly xoxo
P.S. I found this awesome Harry Potter video go check it out.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited!!! Tonight is the premier of Harry Potter 7 Part 2, the final installment of the series that has defined this generation...and my childhood. My Harry Potter dweebness can be summed up by one simple fact: when I packed up to move this last time I had a box labeled: Harry Potter and Other Important Documents. I seriously think I value my Harry Potter books on the same level as my passport. I am sooooo excited! I have midnight tickets and I am going with my brothers since all of my harry potter nerd friends are gone...they are in Illinois watching it there cause one of our friends moved there :( so I will not be able to dweeb out as much as normal...we are starting the part one right now so we can get in the mood for it :) :) :)
P.S. I'll probably post again after while spazzing out about the awesomeness
P.S. I'll probably post again after while spazzing out about the awesomeness
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Life is goin' Good
Haven't posted in a bit, and I am bored while waiting for Yoga to I am going to ramble about my life :)
So my friend and I played with photography and it was fun. Anyway, we just put on pretty dresses and went out on her extensive property and took pictures of each other. I had to teach her the rule of thirds but once that was accomplished we got some pretty awesome shots. It was a bunch of fun, especially editing them after, we took like 500+ pictures and I whittled it down to around 60 usable shots, but hey everything is a numbers game, if you shoot enough pictures you will get some good ones.
I had an awesome fourth of July with Evan and his friends and family, tons of fireworks...seriously like probably $1000 worth with Evan and his friends plus discounts and free packs. It was a blast!
Been working mostly lately, I work then chill with Hulu then see Evan on my days off. Speaking of Evan, he got me a kick ass promise ring for my birthday and I am sooooooo excited to show it off, but I don't get it until my birthday on the 26th and I am dying of excitement. Its going to be an awesome day. We are going to Lagoon and I am inviting any of my friends to just show up and we can chill together or just meet up for cupcakes. Its going to be fun.
I am really excited to be 19, more than 18. Because when you tell someone that you are 19 they will automatically assume you are college age verses when you are 18 and they don't know if you are in college or high school. I don't know...just cool. I am excited.
Evan and I found this really awesome place to eat this weekend, I definitely want to go back, the food was good and the atmosphere was amazing. Its called The Blue Plate Diner and any of you readers in Utah should check it out, it has a very fun artsy-California vibe. I enjoyed it a lot.
Oooooo another fun tidbit from my life: I got offered a management position at McDonalds. I have only been working there for a month and a half and they apparently were impressed. I can't take the position because I have to get back to college in August but it was still awesome to get the offer. I was just leaving my shift and the HR manager grabbed me and said "so I was hoping we could start training you for management soon" and I was totally breathless. Amazing.
So ya that's my life lately
P.S. I have finally started updating my iPod....first time in two proud.
So my friend and I played with photography and it was fun. Anyway, we just put on pretty dresses and went out on her extensive property and took pictures of each other. I had to teach her the rule of thirds but once that was accomplished we got some pretty awesome shots. It was a bunch of fun, especially editing them after, we took like 500+ pictures and I whittled it down to around 60 usable shots, but hey everything is a numbers game, if you shoot enough pictures you will get some good ones.
I had an awesome fourth of July with Evan and his friends and family, tons of fireworks...seriously like probably $1000 worth with Evan and his friends plus discounts and free packs. It was a blast!
Been working mostly lately, I work then chill with Hulu then see Evan on my days off. Speaking of Evan, he got me a kick ass promise ring for my birthday and I am sooooooo excited to show it off, but I don't get it until my birthday on the 26th and I am dying of excitement. Its going to be an awesome day. We are going to Lagoon and I am inviting any of my friends to just show up and we can chill together or just meet up for cupcakes. Its going to be fun.
I am really excited to be 19, more than 18. Because when you tell someone that you are 19 they will automatically assume you are college age verses when you are 18 and they don't know if you are in college or high school. I don't know...just cool. I am excited.
Evan and I found this really awesome place to eat this weekend, I definitely want to go back, the food was good and the atmosphere was amazing. Its called The Blue Plate Diner and any of you readers in Utah should check it out, it has a very fun artsy-California vibe. I enjoyed it a lot.
Oooooo another fun tidbit from my life: I got offered a management position at McDonalds. I have only been working there for a month and a half and they apparently were impressed. I can't take the position because I have to get back to college in August but it was still awesome to get the offer. I was just leaving my shift and the HR manager grabbed me and said "so I was hoping we could start training you for management soon" and I was totally breathless. Amazing.
So ya that's my life lately
P.S. I have finally started updating my iPod....first time in two proud.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Black Milk Clothing
So a few weeks ago I found this company called Black Milk Clothing and I LOVE their stuff. I have decided next paycheck/birthday or whatever I want to buy SOMETHING from them. I just don't know what. There are so many cool options but they are too expensive to buy too many. Hmmmm...I could get the R2D2 swimsuit:
I could get a pair of the sexy leggings and there are soooo many leggings!

Or I could get one of these:

I could get a pair of the sexy leggings and there are soooo many leggings!
Or I could get one of these:

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